Embedding Practice: Badges

Badges for the second part of the course, Blended Learning Essentials: Embedding practice, will be available on or by 1 February 2016.

Embedding Practice: Digital Champion

This badge is awarded to taking part in the 'Blended Learning Essentials: Embedding Practice' as a Digital Champion.

Embedding Practice: Forum Facilitator

This badge is earned by Digital Champion's who have facilitating discussions with participants on the FutureLearn platform.

Embedding Practice: Mentor

This badge is earned by Digital Champion's who have answer a question submitted by a participant in the FutureLearn platform.

Embedding Practice: Peer Assessor

This badge is awarded to Digital Champion's who have peer assess at least 3 participant’s activities on the FutureLearn course platform.

Embedding Practice: Sharing Practice

This badge is awarded to Digital Champions who have contributed content such as examples of good practice in the discussion on the FutureLearn course platform.

Embedding Practice: Course Champion

This badge is awarded to Digital Champions who have submitted at least 3 Digital Champion Reports to the project team using the Google Form circulated to Champions as part of FLble2.

Embedding Practice: CPD

This badge is awarded for supporting the professional development of other Digital Champions in the network as part of FLble2.

Blended Learning Essentials: CMALT Piloteer

You can earn this badge by participating in the CMALT pilot group for Blended Learning Essentials